Shakespeare went to visit the Seventh Grade Science classroom. Shakespeare is always intrigued by modern science. There have been so many exciting discoveries in the last 500 years! The students are in their chemistry unit. The theme is "How do I get new stuff from old stuff?"
Shakespeare also got to test out the new technology being used in Mrs. Keigher's classroom this year. The whole class used Chromebooks to collaborate with the other students in class on a Google Doc. For those of you who are not familiar, a Chromebook is a relatively new device, put out by Google. It is faster than a traditional laptop, because it does not have hardware. It's an internet only device. They are compatible with all the the Google apps that are being used at The Junior High.
Mrs. Keigher's class is using the Chromebooks to collaborate with their classmates to suggest questions for the Driving Questions Board. This will be used to drive their learning for the whole unit. The questions that they ask will be answered as they complete the unit.
Shakespeare also learns about good lab safety!